Turn Upwork Into Your Own Client Generating Machine with GigRadar Automation

Struggling to land new clients as an agency? Tired of relying on inconsistent referrals, underperforming paid ads or slow-burning strategies like SEO or content marketing? Trust me, as an ex-agency ourselves, we know the anxiety-fueled feeling of not knowing where your next client is coming from...

Then we discovered Upwork, a platform where hot leads post their exact needs, ready to hire right away. In fact, every year, there is an influx of clients that join the platform and pay big money for solutions to their problems. In fact, in 2025, Upwork's Gross Service Volume is projected to be over $5 billion and approximately 1 million clients will hire at least one time on the platform! That's a pretty big pie to share, right? ๐Ÿ˜„

But hereโ€™s the catch: competition is fierce! For every one client, there are 20 registered freelancers competing for their business. Yet, thousands of agencies, like our friend Gavin from in-box, are consistently making $5k+ per month on the platform with the help of lead generation automation:

Before GigRadar, Gavin couldn't win a single job on Upwork. However, after switching to automated lead generation, he grew his profile to $30k+ within a few months!

The Problem with Manual Lead Generation

The reason that so many agencies see no results on the platform is because they have the wrong approach. New agencies will hop online for a few hours, send out a batch of proposals on random jobs, get no replies as their bidding strategy is all wrong, lose motivation and give up. And this is the case for over 95% of users!

Why Automation Works

With automation, you are working smarter rather than harder by setting up a system that bids for you, 24/7, on projects that fall within your ICP, at scale and lightning speed! Such a system can easily generate 25+ hot leads per month for you to turn into active clients!

Manual vs Automated Lead Generation Funnels

Start Winning Consistent Clients on Upwork ๐Ÿค

To learn more about how automation works, book a call with our lead generation experts and see all the business you're missing out on without GigRadar automation ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Freelancers that went from $0 to $10k+ with GigRadar!

Gavin Hewitson

Gavin, an email marketer, tried manual bidding only to realize that it was a waste of time. Within a few months of GigRadar automation, he went from $0 to now over $20k+ on his freelancer profile!

Anna Shtonda

Anna went from winning 1 job per 100 bids as a freelancer to a full-blown graphic design agency with over $60k+ revenue earned since joining GigRadar! She will never go back to manual lead gen again!

Aashish Sachdeva

Aashish was extremely hesitant about trying GigRadar and thought it was just another tool, but gave it a shot. Within 35 days, his web development agency Swift Expand won 9 new projects!

Agency Owners that Scaled to $1M+ with GigRadar!

Denys Safonov

Denys dreamt of traveling the world and working on his laptop, freelancing. He started his own Upwork agency, Etcetera, and was able to turbocharge it's growth with the help of GigRadar. He's passed $3+ million in earnings and stated that: "for any scaling business, automation is key!"

Yaroslav Golovach

One of the largest agencies in Upwork, Codemotion Ninjas, Yaroslav started out as a developer looking to make extra income. Fast forward a few years, he fast-tracked his agency to over $20M+ in lifetime earnings with the help of GigRadar and a strong team behind him!

Volodymyr Hresko

Volodymyr Hresko started out as a broke college student looking for ways to get by. Once he discovered Upwork, he started earning a decent income and after signing up for GigRadar, he won 2 high-value clients on the very first day and turbocharged COXIT Agency to over $1 Million in earnings!

Want to grow your freelancer/agency profile 5x faster? Hop on a call with our lead gen experts and unlock the blueprint for your Upwork success! โคต๏ธโคต๏ธโคต๏ธ

What kind of ROI can I expect with GigRadar? ๐Ÿค”

Let's look at some real cases of clients that joined in Q3/Q4 of 2024 โคต๏ธ

Example #1: Blockchain Development

This is one of our new clients in the Blockchain development niche. They've sent out over 538 proposals to which they've gotten 37 replies. So what was their ROI? Let's find out.

To send 538 proposals, they've invested around $1500. With 57 replies, in a competitive niche such as blockchain development, the close rate is around 3%. In this case, they won 2 projects. One project was worth almost $3,000 and the other project was worth $26,000. So, they've earned back almost $29,000!

Gross Profit = $27,500

GigRadar ROI = 1807%

Example #2: Digital Marketing

Chris joined us in September. He was a marketer so he saw this tool as basically another PPC instrument (which is essentially what it is for Upwork)! In 30 days, he sent out 120 proposals and got back 30 replies. So what was his ROI?

To send 120 proposals, he invested around $360. With 20 replies in a niche like marketing, the close rate is around 15-20%. In his case, he won 3 projects. On those projects he has earned back around $2800.

Gross Profit = $2,440

GigRadar ROI = 677%

Example #3: Web Development

Another web development agency joined us in September and started seeing results within the first 30 days. They set up their filters, sent 337 proposals and get 31 replies which is quite good for their niche. So how much did they earn?

To send 337 proposals, they've invested around $1000. With 31 replies in a niche like web development, the close rate is around 5%. In their case, they won 2 projects with a total order value of $7300.

Gross Profit = $6,300

GigRadar ROI = 630%

Sounds too good to be true? Hop on a call with one of our lead generation experts and find out exactly how much revenue you can generate with GigRadar and Upwork Automation!

Why GigRadar Works

To generate consistent leads on Upwork, you need 3 key elements: speed, scale & personalization. GigRadar provides all three - here's how:


By sending proposals within the first 15 minutes of the job's posting time, your chances of getting a reply are 50% higher than if you wait more than an hour. If you take too long trying to craft a quality cover letter, it probably won't even be read. GigRadar sends all proposals within the first 15 minutes.

AI > Human

AI-generated cover letters (written by GigRadar) outperform human-written ones in terms of reply rates. This is because GigRadar's AI uses both the freelancer profile and job description for context, allowing it to generate a relevant and targeted proposal, addressing client pain points every time!


The more proposals you submit, the more replies you get, the more jobs you win. Manual proposal submission takes hundreds of hours, but doing so with automation takes no time at all. So, if you want constant business, you have to send constant bids. It's as simple as that.

How long will it take to see results?โณ

We understand your concern about investing money and not knowing how quickly you will earn it back. Below is a timetable of how quickly client's return their investments on average across all niches!

Want an even more specific timetable for your niche? Book a free demo with our lead gen experts and get an estimate within a few minutes!

Donโ€™t trust our words Automate Upwork to see results like these!

Lena K - Sales

Lena K. Sales Software Company

Hi everyone! GigRadar has made my job as a salesman so much easier. Their proposals are on target and ready in a few moments.

Our agency has been using GigRadar for around 5 months now, and the results speak for themselves. Our conversion rate has gone up by around 10%, and we are seeing about 2 fresh leads every day.

Before sending out proposals took forever, but with GigRadar, I've got more time to talk to potential clients and build relationships.

If you're in sales like me, GigRadar is a must-try. It's like having a secret weapon for boosting sales and saving time.

Give it a shot and watch your success grow. Cheers to better sales and less stress!

Radko Maksym - CEO

Radko Maksym CEO IT Squad

Hello, guys. My name is Max, and I'm the CEO of IT Squad, a Shopify development team. I started using GigRadar seven months ago, and this tool has increased my sales by three times.

Previously, we had a 5% to 7% reply rate on Upwork, but after these guys joined our team, our sales increased by 17%-20%.

This is an incredible increase for us. So, I want to thank these guys and hope to continue our collaboration with all of their new tools. Thank you, and bye-bye.

Alejandro R - CEO Digital Agency

Alejandro R. CEO Digital Agency

Hi, I'm Alex. I've been using GigRadar for around four months now, and since then, they've been taking care of everything with my proposals.

I've been getting around 2-3 leads a week from them, and I've been able to close 5 deals, increasing my revenue by 25-30% in just a couple of months.

So I'm very happy with their service. It takes a little time to get used to it, but once you get the hang of it, it's really, really good.

I recommend everyone to join the program while you can.

Get an inbox full of leads within a few days of GigRadar setup!

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